Cyprus Comic Con 2016. Steampunk in Cyprus!

This year’s Cyprus Comic Con was by far the biggest, most impressive and successful event held in Cyprus. A staggering 13800 visitors came to the conference centre to explore the wonders of geekiness and for the very first time Steampunk, represented by Antiquarian World.
The organisers of Cyprus Comic Con made a big effort to promote and include steampunk at this year’s event and we are extremely grateful for their enthusiasm and support!
Credit for that goes to the tireless Peter Anders Hvass and the Pink Panster Ltd team, who believed in having a steampunk presence at Cyprus Comic Con.
We would also like to thank all the wonderful and unique geeks that visited our booth and supported our Steampunk organisation on the 3rd – 4th of September.
The Antiquarian World corner booth was fantabulously decorated and represented Steampunk in its true essence. It was a time travellers story set in alternate history, post-apocalyptic/ Neo Victorian or the American “Wild West”, and was lavishly decorated with curtains, wallpaper and even a two-meter airship flying up high above the stall.

At our booth we displayed an array of brassy and copper goodness, industrial steampunk creations, steampunk art, weapons, steampunk jewellery and antiques.

The general response to our presence from the thousands of people that visited our booth was astonishment and excitement, with a desire to find out more and how to get involved with Steampunk in Cyprus.
To add to this spectacular event, Antiquarian World hosted a number of successful Steampunk workshops allowing participants to create their own steampunk creations, including hats, goggles, guns and diaries. Naturally the participants loved every moment of this and it made everyone’s gears turn!

Needless to say we have already started planning for next year’s Cyprus Comic Con (2017)

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